Hat’s Off to my Web Guru!Hat’s Off to my Web Guru!
I’m SO excited now! Bruce has managed to fix the bug that was preventing multiple images, so all the sweaters and accessories are posted and ready to go! I already
I’m SO excited now! Bruce has managed to fix the bug that was preventing multiple images, so all the sweaters and accessories are posted and ready to go! I already
Hi All! As you can see, my web guru has been hard at work in the background getting all of the products listed. HOWEVER – we are being challenged by
Hi Everyone! The clock is ticking towards the Grand Opening of Bambina’s Best, and we are busy busy busy here! We have been taking photos, labelling photos, creating product descriptions,
Welcome to Bambina’s Best, your home for handmade luxury fashions and accessories for all of your canine and feline fashion desires. Most items are uniquely one of a kind custom