Hi All!
As you can see, my web guru has been hard at work in the background getting all of the products listed. HOWEVER – we are being challenged by the function that allows us to show multiple images of each product, which we definitely want to do! Every product is best represented with as many pictures as possible, because when you are shopping online, you can’t feel and touch the item, so the best way to get to know it is through many pictures of different angles.
I’m bummed that it’s not working yet, and I’m really sorry – but when my web guru gets up for the day, he will be back at it, and hopefully before the end of the day it will be working. In the meantime, if there is a sweater that you would like to see more of, please just drop me a line and I will send the pictures to you by email.
Once we get Bambina’s Best up and running properly, I will be listing the remaining items in my Etsy store.
Have a great day and we’ll talk soon!
P.S. Smile……..it will make people wonder what you are up to!!!! LOL