Sweater Season has officially arrived!
Unreal – I can’t believe that the last time that I posted was the beginning of September, and here we are now at the beginning of October! This month has gone by so fast that it hardly registered on the radar. We’ve been spending time getting to know Kujo, our new zany family member. He’s still such a youngster that he has really livened the place up.
On the sweater front, we were excited to make a nice picture for a wee 3 lb chi in Prince George, and her mother and Auntie just love it, and she is quite proud to wear it.
We got to go to a wool sale during September that made the texture freak in me just absolutely drool! (no, I didn’t get any on the wool! LOL) A family was clearing out the house of an 80 year old woolworker who had a bit of a hoarding problem….she had literally THOUSANDS of balls of wool down in her basement – all very well cared for, all color grouped and in their original packaging and labels. Some of them are amazing yarns from days gone by that are not available anymore. I went on the first day of the sale and loaded up, and I had so much fun that I went back the second day and loaded up again. I got tons of silks, linens, quality cottons, angoras and mohair in just delicious colors and I can’t wait to start creating things with them!
I also won an auction on ebay for a lot of French Angora and other specialty yarns, so I’m eagerly looking forward to the mailman arriving with my box of 90+ more skeins of yarn to add to my collection. My 100% Uruguayan Merino order should be arriving this month too!
I am hard at work on some outfits for a lovely little New York Socialite, her name is Tasha Bella Godwin. She is a very stylish young lady, and I’m having a great time creating stunning new looks for her and the love of her life Cuba-America’s Top Dog. My goal is to get those in the mail within the next few days because I’ve created a Halloween ensemble for both of them and want to make sure it gets there in plenty of time for them to wear them at any Halloween Pawties they attend in the Big Apple this season!
More exciting news on the business front is that we were reviewed on a blog by a lovely young lady in the UK, Hollie M. She is a very enterprising young woman, and we were just delighted with her endorsement. If you would like to read it, please go here:
We also have the privilege this month of making some items for a handsome young boy in Toronto by the name of Big Priday. His predecessor HRH Charles Priday was a big fan of my work, so his Mama is going to introduce her little Big man to the world of luxury garments as well. This is going to be a fun project, because he’s such a little cutie pie!
October is also a busy month for the family. Dalton is well settled into HIGH SCHOOL!!! <gasp> now, and having the time of his life. My birthday is coming up on October 6, and Bruce’s birthday is on October 25. It’s also Bruce’s favorite holiday – Halloween. Our house gets decorated to the nines, and he has done so many amazing things with the decorations that he has made it on the local news a couple of times for his Halloween extravaganza!!
Speaking of Bruce, I hear him stirring now, so I’d best get off the computer and go get the day started!
Until we speak again, I hope you are all well, and send you hugs and much love!