Bambinas Best Bambinas Best Endings and Beginnings

Endings and Beginnings

I’m sorry it’s been so long between entries, but life has a way of taking over the best laid plans. In my last post, we had just said goodbye to our precious Chloe, and sadly, shortly after that we had to say goodbye to another of our oldest rescue chihuahuas Leo. He was a crotchety, grumpy old curmudgeon who adored my husband Bruce and resented me for being the alpha. He went downhill quickly and lost his battle with CHF on Wednesday August 11. He is very much missed by his Daddy and the rest of the family. The two losses back to back have been a little hard to deal with, so we circled the wagons and stuck close to home and family for a little while.

However, in the circle of life, and of rescue, souls moving on leave open spaces in hearts and homes, and we knew that the best way to honor the legacy of the two loves we had lost was to open our doors to another little one in need, which is exactly what we did.

Shortly after Leo passed, my dear friend and rescue colleague Pat let me know about a little longcoat boy who’s human had passed away and needed a new home. We drove to Nanaimo to meet him, and he came home with us that night. His name is Kujo. I’m not crazy about the name, but he has been command trained to it, and is very responsive to it, so I don’t want to confuse him by changing it. I have softened it to “Kuj”, and he is still responding well to that variation. Of course most of the time I just call him “Bubba” and he answers to that too! LOL He is only 2.5 years old, so we will have lots of time to love and spoil him. He is a rambunctious little pistol and has certainly injected a spark of life back into the household. After years of caring for the senior and special needs chis, having a little one running around “killing” his toys, playing a rousing rendition of “get the hand on the bed, kill it, kill it” and playing fetch with his little chi sized tennis balls is exactly what we needed! I have never had a dog who plays catch before!

Cesar Milan always says “You don’t always get the dog you want, but you always get the dog you need.” In this case, the universe knew we needed Kuj and rose to answer that call!

Things are going very well with the business. I have just mailed an order off to the UK which will be reviewed on a blog(I’ll let you know when that happens!), and I will also be adding some new inventory to the store in the coming weeks. Things are starting to pick up now that fall is only weeks away. This weekend it’s time to bring out the orange palette of yarns and make some Halloween creations!

My custom order for a championship sweater arrived at it’s destination safely, and this is what Steve had to say about it:

“Hi Laura, The sweater is absolutely “Beautiful”. Nevaeh loves it!!! I could not put it on her but showed it to her and she pawed at it, so I layed it by her and the puppies and she snuggled it. No scratching at it as if she knows it is new clothing.

Trina loved the sweater and was ecstatic over the wash cloths. She said “Oh these make the best wash cloths!!!” Your work is outstanding and we will promote your business at any show we go to, in our opinion you are A one creator of pet fashion!!! Thank you so much, Your Okie (Oklahoma, USA) Friends, Steve & Trina ”

That news just made my day, and I will be sure to post a photo of the little one CH Nevaeh in her new sweater once Steve is able to take one. Nevaeh is a new Mom, and had to have a c-section on August 19th, so she’s not quite up to modeling it just yet.

In closing, with all the recent losses, it has made me think a great deal about how much in life we take for granted. Before the day is over, take a moment to reflect on those most important to you, and do a little something to show them or tell them that you are thinking of them and sending them love.

Hugs to you!

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